Thursday, April 22, 2010


Well here we go again...this day was mostly all shutting down the fort and everyone leaving to where ever they came from. Attendance for today (Sunday) seemed to be about half of what it was the day before.

This was a picture during the middle of the day. I went to the 2 remaining sessions of the conference. The first was taught by the folks from Rice University. They talked about how to set up a project and all the details of working on site. Basically the dynamics of working in the field. The next session was this guy that had been working out in the field for years. He talked about the importance of the people owning the project. He used an example of seeds being brought to farmers. The farmers would not accept the seeds (which their lives depended on) due to the fact if it didnt work then they would not have food for the next year. A lot of money was spent by the scientist to get the seeds in the hands of the farmers but they would not use something they did not trust. Finally the guy that spoke to us convinced a farmer to try some of the seeds in a small part of the field. They worked well. Over the next several seasons the farmer began planting more and more of his crop with these new seeds. Eventually he had people begging for seeds like his and with in 5 years the seeds had spread over a hundred miles.

After everything was said and done, I packed up and got out of town...for a short period of time. I had found out the night before that the NCSU people were going to Red Rocks...I had never been there so I decided to join them. Before I could I had to get my rental car from the airport. It was cheap. 46 Dollars for 3 days...cant beat that deal. By the time I made it to the airport and then back on the other side of Denver to Red Rocks, the NCSU people were about ready to go. So I missed them sadly. I still had a good time by myself though taking in the sites. Probably had better picture opportunities without them though tbh. 

The picture above was how I got the rental car...yeah it wasnt even I am sure the rental people charged them that as well...about ran out of gas while driving around Red Rocks.

There is Denver while out some where between the city and the airport.

After Red Rocks I cam back and picked up Jenny. We went to this place to eat. It was really good. Apparently pretty well known across the country.

Out side of duffys

The stamp proving I was at least 21.

The Denver Airport looks a bit like a prison dont you think? Take that you dumb birds.

After I dropped Jenny off at the hotel, I went up to Longmont, CO to see Matt Tibbit. I got in so late that he offered to let me crash with him. I was very glad that he did because there was no way I wanted to drive the 2.5 hours to Winter Park to stay with Daniel.
This was their youth room above...not a clue what is going on with the chairs...

This is the gym at his church.

Below are all of the pictures I took at Red Rocks. I figured I would put them at the bottom since there is a lot of them. I fell in love with the place. It really is pretty. There were people everywhere. Some tourist...some locals...some locals working out.

Thats the handrail I jumped....

Yes I climbed on the rocks to get a picture and to look inside the caves...I think I paid enough of a penalty by getting hurt in the process of trying to hurdle a iced over hand rail. I didnt damage anything!

The people on stage were mic-ed up. They were 3 hippies. One playing a drum...the other playing...a drum...and the other riding on a skateboard...all totally stoned. They really like their incense as well. They had it burning to where you could smell it all over the place. I would love to see a concert there...they say the sound reverberates amazingly with the natural formations.

People from Arkansas I met while there...

A lady was painting this picture so I took a picture of her picture of the rocks...she looked at me oddly when I asked permission to do so...

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